Monday, 28 January 2013

random ajah ;p

HGRB aka Hot Guys Reading Book.
agree.. most of them looks hot when reading. ;p aura nya itu loooh.. *gemes* 

-reading is sexy. cekidot

The world is more than just you hear, or see in picture, you can FEEL it, just don't lock up yourself.

It's hard to be a mom, just look at my mom.
it can't be measure by anything. that's why i want to be a mom. :D

"orang yang mengasihi Tuhan pasti membenci dosa,
orang yang mencintai dosa pasti membenci Tuhan." - Pdt. Stephen Tong.

If you think about new year resolution, about future,
don't forget to list down about Death. B'coz it is the future.

Like an oasis, God's goodness is found in dry and difficult places. -ODB

klo masih gagal dlm hal2 kecil, kapan Tuhan kasih hal2 besar.?
•instropeksi dan berjuang• #OraEtLabora 

Quote : teman itu menerima apa adanya.
Fact : jadi temen itu susah, *apalagi jadi pacar* #eeeh 

Belakangan terpesona dengan pria2 beristri yang berperilaku gentleman
aiih.. *suami orang itu*, maybe karena punya byk temen se-umur
and sekalangan, jadi jarang dapet perlakuan as lady.
atau gue yg ke-tomboy-an ?. huh?

When they get isolated, it means really isolated, that's why it called isolated.
so just please sent the help..! - #banjirJakarta.

sometimes, they have their own mind, and I have my own mine also.

"if you want to go fast, go alone ;
if you want to go far, go together" - Warren Buffet 

Public Display Affection = LUST is SIN..! means you don't respect the woman,
 neither GOD (who create her..!) public or private dua2nya juga DOSA, selama blom married. kalo nga tahan udah kawin aja sana..!
#geregetan liat yg nga tau diri.

hidup itu bukan untuk menyenangkan orang laen, krn kalo iyah brarti hidup kita nga beda jauh sama badut. yang pake topeng, dan penuh kepura-puraan. hidup itu harusnya menyenangkan Tuhan, karena menyenangkan Tuhan itu nga bisa pura2. #life #lesson

once in a year go outside, see the world see the new perspective of life. 

egois itu akar segala masalah.


harga sebuah panggilan itu seharga nyawamu - by somebody

Appreciate and respect on man who respecting woman.

One step closer, I pray, to the most productive, fruitful season of my life.
If I live, perhaps. If I die, for sure - John Piper.

Life start not from a dream, but a vision,
because dream will disappear, but vision will get clear. - B.J Habibie