He was apologize krn nga kasih quality time, and dia byk ngurusin kerjaan. I forgive, gue nga masalah dgn waktu nya, gue cmn feel bad sama kesehatan dia. Pas jalan pulang, he request for a hug, yaaaah.. You guys tahu khan, kita pacaran hands-off. Pas dia request begitu, pengen gue samber langsung.. Hahahaha.. Easy to do, gue tinggal lurusin tangan and tekuk. Hahaha. Gue cmn jawab begini "boleh". Trus gue diem.. And lanjutin "tapi nanti". Deep inside my heart, i was terriblely sad. I want to hug..! Sama2 mau. But I can't. God create conciousness between our mind.
Ini bukan pertama kali nya dia request hug atau gue yg request hug. Setiap salah satu request, pasti yg satu lagi akan nolak. I believe it's Holy Spirit who works between us. Gue bener2 ngerasain Gmn caranya menahan diri, gimana caranya menanti waktu yang tepat. Nga gampang..! Nolak sesuatu yg loe inginkan. Ibarat kucing laper nolak ikan demi dapet ikan asin (eh gue nga tahu yg mana yg lebih lezat, tp anggep aja ikan asin lebih lezat) Knp ilustrasi nya kucing yah
Anyway ada lagi yg mengganggu pikiran gue pas gue udah pulang. Yaaaah.. Gue iseng liat2 sosmed. Tnyt sosmed 2 hr terakhir sungguh "ngilerin" ada yg seksi in the beach, ada geng deket yg nongki di cafe and resto mahal, (yg 1 seh ngajakin, tp gue nolak, yg 1 lagi enga ngajak pdhl td ketemu digereja, cmn kalo diajak pun pasti nolak, tp koq berasa sedih yah nga diajak.. Jahahaha..)
Ada yg ngutang belom bayar, tp bisa nongki2 sana-sini. Hahahh salah gue seh sbnr-y yg ngasi utang. Tp jd agak gatel pengen labrak comment "asik yah nongki2, asal jgn lupa byr utang aja yah" hahahaha.. Ada yg lg vacation di Waikiki ~ yaah dia pramugari seh. Ada yg lg di Europe jalan2 krn dpt bonus. Most of sosmed user mempost hal2 yang refreshing bagi mereka, tp nga peduli org akan ikutan happy atau envy. Yaaaaah.. Gue salh satu yg envy, walaupun dipikir knp juga harus envy, toh gue khan memang punya prioritas. Sometimes pengen gue tutup aja sosmed. Hahahaha.. Udah gue cukup update sosmed nya, gue close dengan sate. BERSYUKUR gue masih punya energi utk sate. Soalnya Satenya nampollll. Makanya gue jd nga tdr malah nulis beginian.. Hahaha.. gue posting yaaah.. Sate dr ODB
Hands Off!
Read: Psalm 46
I remember bobbing for apples when I was a child, a game that required me to have my hands tied behind my back. Trying to grab a floating apple with my teeth without the use of my hands was a frustrating experience. It reminded me of the vital importance of our hands—we eat with them, greet with them, and use them to do just about anything that is vital to our existence.
When I read Psalm 46:10, I find it interesting that God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The Hebrew word for “still” means to “cease striving,” or, literally, “to put our hands at our side.” At first glance this seems to be a rather risky piece of advice, since our first instinct in trouble is to keep our hands on the situation and control it to our advantage. God in essence is saying, “Hands off! Let Me deal with your problem, and rest assured that the outcome is in My hands.”
But knowing when to take our hands off and let God work can make us feel vulnerable. Unless, that is, we believe that God is indeed “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (v.1) and that “the Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge” (v.7). In the midst of trouble, we can rest in God’s care.
gue nangis..! HE support my hands-off relation, He notice my problem, He loves me.
HE who take control of this universe, must be take control of HIS child life's. Just rest in HIM.
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